That's right. Something Strange Productions finally has a website it can call its very own. No more pop-up
ads. No more generic looking formats. No more...uhh...no more this site. Go to it now! www.sspfilms.com
Hello and Welcome to the Something Strange Productions website, a team of aspiring writers, producers, and directors
with the talent and ambition to make a name for themself in the future. This site will be the headquarters of news and
projects currently being developed. Such projects include Dicks, Project Dark, and Breaking Point.
You can also find weekly articles by our staff about almost anything. Enjoy your visit and keep coming back for more
Filled with rage or busting with praise for the site? Find your appropriate outlet and let us know in the trusty
What's New?
This site is undergoing complete destruction and reconstruction. What was once devoted to a bunch
of inside jokes between our staff has now become focused on giving info on actual material that our staff is throwing around
and working on. What was once fictional is now becoming more factual and realistic. We're excited about our work
and hope that you become interested too.

Just what you least expected... |
Go to our brand-spankin new website. It's still under a lot of construction, but soon it will be so badass you
won't know what to do with yourself. www.sspfilms.com
What's this? A completed new short film? You know it! Eric Wronsky brings you "Storm Chasers:" a look
into local weather hunters in Southern New Jersey. Click here to visit its brand spanking new page and watch the trailer!
Hey we're back! Sorry for the delay. New article by Eric Wronsky lamenting the current baseball situation. Check it out here.