sSp 2006 New Year’s Resolutions
We decided to quit messing around and skip 2005 because in all honesty, we didn’t really accomplish
all of our goals from last year. So instead of adding on to the pile, we are preparing for our future. Because ultimately,
teachers touch our future and children are our future, thusly teachers touch children.
Make Movies
Get Screened at Channel 101
Conquer two(2) Third World Countries
Create a real website
Finish our 2004 Resolutions
Win Nobel Prize in some category. They probably have one for something we are good at. Or Plan B: Beat up
winner of Nobel Prize in some category we thought we were good at
Update more frequently
Bring back Loquax and Anti-Loquax
Conquer a Third… Third World Country and sell it to Wal-Mart
Black Mail Tom Cruise (He know what he did!)